Firefighter adviser comes to clients’ rescue, twice.

Russel Cochrane isn't only a mortgage and protection adviser, he's also a volunteer firefighter. So imagine his surprise when he attending a car accident to discover the person he was saving was one of his clients.

It all started when Russell from Mortgage Advice Bureau, sold income protection benefit to a young Paediatric nurse. As Russell says, “at the time she didn't really see the benefits, as she was young and healthy and could do without the cost, but I convinced her to take it.”

Car accident

Her plan started in January 2015. Then in March of the same year, she had a massive road accident, crashing into a concrete motorway sign. Russell says, “She was lucky to survive and suffered long term injuries”.

But what makes this story unique is that Russell was on call that day, and he was the one to remove her from the wreckage. 


Russell says, “She recognised me in one of the most scariest times of her life. In her words ‘knowing I was there’ kept her strong and alive. She called me HER HERO!”


And even with all the drugs that she was on to control the pain, she still managed a joke with Russell in the ambulance "it was a good job I took that insurance" she told Russell.

Russell’s client was off work for over 18 months, and had to learn to walk again due to her leg and pelvic injuries.

Russell says, “She’s now has a family and recently took other plans with me.”